Thursday, June 29
Lots of Buzz!
Support pollinators by planting native plants, limiting or eliminating pesticides.
Lots of Buzz!

Old Motel Continues To Operate
Plans for property include new housing
Plans for property include new housing

Competition on the Front Lines in Mount Vernon?
Family bakery not worried about big-name eatery coming next door.
Wednesday, June 28
‘A Living Legacy that Springs from the Dirt’
Bishop Fuller encourages unity and reconciliation.
Juneteenth ceremony
Not Over Until It Is Over

Herndon Town Council Reverses Historic District Review Board
Code allows for appeal.
725 Elden Street positioned for demolition.
StarKist, Cornerstones, and Feed the Children Join to Meet the Needs
Truck delivers $100,000 in food and other necessities.
Cornerstones/Starkist feed the children
In 1775, a Church Where Black & White Could Worship Together
Bull Run Regional Park’s emancipation history is honored.
On Juneteenth, No Man Should Own Another
Timed Entry for Freedom House Museum
Timed Entry for Freedom House Museum
On Recent Incidents of Hate Speech
On Recent Incidents of Hate Speech

City commemorates the end of slavery.
“We want people to know and really understand that Juneteenth is an important thing to celebrate.” — Tamara Williams, Washington Revels Executive Director

Anchors Aweigh
John Warner honored with Maritime Center dedication.
“We found a perfect namesake for this center in John Warner.” — Mayor Justin Wilson

Anchors Aweigh
John Warner honored with Maritime Center dedication.
“We found a perfect namesake for this center in John Warner.” — Mayor Justin Wilson

Life’s Curve Balls
Selected 2nd overall in 1971 MLB draft, before struggling with life’s ‘ups and downs.’
My name is John Franklin and life sometimes throws you a curve ball. Since Mental Health Awareness Month finished recently and now that baseball season is in full swing, I thought this would be a good time to introduce myself since both of these have affected my life.

Colorful Planter Beds Planned for Town of Vienna
Residents can view and discuss plans on June 29.
New flowers for Vienna
Third Annual Liberty Amendments Month Begins June 17
Third Annual Liberty Amendments Month
Tuesday, June 27

PERF: FCPD Lacked Crisis, Decision Making Training
5 of 7 police shooting incidents involved mental health crises, but training for such situations has been lacking for years.
Police training
Basic Rules of Flag Etiquette
Flag etiquette
Thursday, June 22
Wednesday, June 21
18 New Police Officers; 15 New Sheriff’s Deputies
City of Alexandria Police Department and Sheriff’s Office announce the graduation of 18 police officers and 15 sheriff’s deputies from the Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Training Academy on Friday, June 16, 2023.

Eviction Nears Crisis Levels in City of Alexandria
Relief funds have run out, and legal protections are slim.
Relief funds have run out, and legal protections are slim.
Passion to Help People in Need
Sen. Mark Warner visits WFCM’s food pantry in Chantilly.
Nonprofit Western Fairfax Christian Ministries (WFCM) serves 4,500 residents in nine western Fairfax County ZIP codes. With the community’s support, in FY 22 it provided nearly 1 million pounds of food, equal to more than 458,745 meals.
Election Outcomes Do Matter
The outcomes of the many party primaries from yesterday are not known as I write this column. Without any vote counts known to me, I can state with certainty that the Virginia General Assembly will not be the same. With retirements of many of the most senior members including myself and with challengers taking on many more incumbents than I can ever remember before, there will be a new cast of citizens running in the general election this November to become our citizen legislators.

Women's Club of Great Falls Scholarship Fund Breaks Fundraising Records
All-volunteer organization raises $100,000; learn how.
The Women's Club of Great Falls Scholarship Fund reached new fundraising heights last month. The organization's spring fundraiser, Miami Vice, raised over $100,000, shattering previous records. As the board and the event committee put in many hours of preparation. They raised $53,000 more than they did the year before.
Action Deferred on Reston Comp Plan Study
Public hearing testimony fraught with details, one-offs and major issues.
When the Fairfax County Planning Commission convened for its meeting on Wednesday, June 14, it granted unanimous approval to defer action on the Reston Comprehensive Plan Study application PA 2020-III-UP1 Hunter Mill, until June 28. Additionally, the commission approved keeping the record open for written comments through June 28.
Chantilly Receive Cappies Awards Sully Governmental Center Celebrates 20 Years
Fatal Motorcycle Crash in Reston
A 37-year-old man died in a motorcycle crash in the evening of Friday, June 16 in Reston.
Early Voting
Voters at West Springfield Government Center
Police: Driver Going Over 100 mph Prior to Fatal Crash
The driver of the 2016 Honda Accord involved in a two-vehicle fatal crash on April 21 has turned himself in and is now facing a charge of involuntary manslaughter.
3 Displaced in Belle Haven Fire, 2 Pets Deceased
On Friday, June 9, at 8:31 p.m., units from the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department were dispatched for a house fire in the 2300 blk of Windsor Road in the Belle Haven area of Fairfax County.
Racial Equity Toolkit for School Board
To the Editor: Our city government has hailed the recent introduction of the Racial Equity Toolkit to “promote racial equity” and “enhance marginalized communities” in our city.
More Plant-based Food Products
Local family owned establishments in Alexandria are listening to consumer demand for plant-based food products.

The George Washington Masonic National Memorial lights up the sky over Alexandria in recognition of Juneteenth
Build Your Own Rain Barrel
The City of Alexandria Transportation and Environmental Services (T&ES) Stormwater Management Division will host a Build Your Own Rain Barrel Workshop at Charles E. Beatley Jr. Central Library (5005 Duke Street) on Saturday, July 8, from 2 – 4 p.m.

Fairfax Master Naturalists Team Up for State Park
Mason Neck Park and pollinators benefit

Landfill Fire Added to Smokey Skies in Southern Fairfax
Fire put out after nearly two days burning.
Landfill Fire

Significant Uptick in FCPD Officer-Involved Shootings
PERF review of FCPD policy and shooting incidents
Police Shootings

Rockets Red Glare, Bombs Bursting in Air
Lots of states sell fireworks that are illegal in Virginia.
Illegal fireworks
Thursday, June 15

Ribbon Cut on Affordable Apartments in Mount Vernon
North Hill is part of Storck’s Embark Richmond Highway vision
New Apartments

Dining in Hybla Valley: Diverse and Delicious
Part two of a three-part series on the restaurant variety on Richmond Highway in Mount Vernon.
Food along Richmond Hwy

Musical Trio Scheduled to Play at River Farm
Outdoor concert kicks off River Farm activities for the summer.
Musical trio
Wednesday, June 14
Rabid Skunk on Bull Run Occoquan Trail Saturday, June 10
Rabid Skunk on Bull Run Occoquan Trail Saturday, June 10

Last Minute Concerns Erupt Over Reston Comprehensive Plan
Planning commissioner hosts event one week before public hearing.
Why the urgency? The Planning Commission Public Hearing is June 14, Planning Commission Action is June 28, and the Public Hearing and Final Approval by the Board of Supervisors is July 25.

Temple Expansion Proposed in Chantilly
Rajdhani Mandir wants to enlarge its temple in Chantilly.
Rajdhani Mandir wants to enlarge its temple in Chantilly.
‘You Deserve Success’
Class of 2023 graduates from Mountain View High.
Class of 2023 graduates from Mountain View High.

Youth Awards from Great Falls Garden Club
The Great Falls Garden Club awarded two $150 grants as a result of its 2023 Youth competition to establish a Native Habitat Garden.
Herndon Festival Returns After Four Years
Final attendance expected to break 30,000.
Final attendance expected to break 30,000.

6th Annual Reston Pride Festival
Members and allies of the local LGBTQ community gathered on June 3 to celebrate pride month.
Reston Pride

Final Visioning Presentation for Lake Anne
Streetsense and county staff conduct community meeting; Phase 2 in the works
Streetsense and county staff conduct community meeting; Phase 2 in the works
Prioritizing Preservation
Northern Virginia Conservation Trust gala at Meadowlark
Northern Virginia Conservation Trust gala at Meadowlark
The New Potomac Yard Metro Station
Smart and special
“The Coalition for Smarter Growth advocates passionately for projects like Potomac Yard because they create sustainable, livable urban communities with dedicated affordable housing close to jobs and opportunity.” — Bill Pugh
Portside in Old Town
Summer waterfront festival June 16 & 17, live music, local libations and family fun
The Portside in Old Town Summer Festival returns riverside for a two-day event kicking off summer on Friday, June 16, and Saturday, June 17, 2023.
Inmate Dead In Custody
Inmate Dead In Custody
Tuesday, June 13

Welcome Pollinators to Improve the Environment
Native plants are your garden’s welcome mat
Thursday, June 8
Protection, Prevention and Communication Lead Police Efforts in Our Community By Mount Vernon Supervisor Dan Storck
Police Efforts

Mount Vernon Recognizes Excellence in History Teaching
Hayfield Secondary Teacher Honored
Hayfield Secondary Teacher Honored
Wednesday, June 7

In Mount Vernon, International Food Choices are Pleasing to the Pallet
Part one of a three-part series on the variety of restaurants on Richmond Highway in Mount Vernon
International cuisine

Police Ride-along in Mount Vernon Opens Eyes
Ride-alongs with police are available to residents.
Ride-alongs with police
More Early Voting Options
The Democratic primary election is Tuesday, June 20.
The Democratic primary election is Tuesday, June 20.
Saving Our Planet
Saving Our Planet
Centreville, Chantilly, Westfield Nominated for Cappies
Centreville, Chantilly, Westfield Nominated for Cappies
Lidl Touts Freshness, Variety and Lower Prices
Customers delighted with new Lidl store in Chantilly.
Customers delighted with new Lidl store in Chantilly.
Mary Pauline Jones, 36 of Herndon

Temple Seeks Expansion
Rajdhani Mandir wants to enlarge its temple in Chantilly.
Rajdhani Mandir wants to enlarge its temple in Chantilly.
Bull Run Church and Harris Cemetery Juneteenth Celebration
Bull Run Regional Park
Bull Run Regional Park

Mount Vernon Rotary Club Presents ‘You Make A Difference’ Award
Mount Vernon Rotary Club Presents ‘You Make A Difference’ Award
City of Alexandria Celebrates Juneteenth
City of Alexandria Celebrates Juneteenth

Williams Named Deputy Director of Office of Historic Alexandria
Williams Named Deputy Director of Office of Historic Alexandria

All Aboard
Tall Ship Providence returns to city waterfront.
“The tours are a super fun, interactive experience.” — Tall Ship Providence Foundation CEO Clair Sussin
Juneteenth at Carlyle House
Juneteenth at Carlyle House
Tuesday, June 6
Thursday, June 1
Observing Memorial Day
Memorial Day