Mount Vernon Gazette

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Raptors Thrill Kids of All Ages

Raptors Thrill Kids of All Ages

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New Mount Vernon Police Commander Invites a Partnership

New Mount Vernon Police Commander Invites a Partnership

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Fairfax County Is Growing - The 2023 Demographic Reports

Have you ever wanted to know more about who and what make Fairfax County such a unique place to live? Each year, the County produces demographic reports and puts them on the County website with helpful charts and graphics.

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Bats – Superheroes of the Night

As dusk fell on a recent bat walk, these nocturnal aerialists zipped about above the trail seeming to streak by every 30 seconds.


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The Legacy of Race-based Covenants

3 practices that created housing inequity: racial covenants; zoning; and limited access to mortgages based on race.

Some real estate developers and others selling property in Northern Virginia from 1900 through the 1960s used race-based, restrictive covenants to maintain segregation, and Virginia’s state and local governments were enablers at times, Dr. Krystyn Moon, University of Mary Washington history professor told a packed room of 120 on August 27 at the Sherwood Regional Library.