Dance Around the World at Fort Hunt Elementary

Dance Around the World at Fort Hunt Elementary

Some 400 people attend PTA-sponsored event with international buffet, booths, and entertainment.

Sofia and Diego Escobar of Alexandria are dressed as Mexicans at the International Photo Booth.

Sofia and Diego Escobar of Alexandria are dressed as Mexicans at the International Photo Booth. Photo by Steve Hibbard.


Sophie Lankina with her booth on Russia.


Camilla Ng of the Fairfax Chinese Dance Troupe performs a Fan Veil dance at the Dance Around the World event at Fort Hunt Elementary School on Friday, Feb. 9.

About 400 people attended Fort Hunt Elementary School’s fifth-annual Dance Around the World event, which included an international buffet, dance performances, and a parade of nations on Friday, Feb. 9 at the school. The free family event was sponsored by the school’s PTA.

“Dance Around the World is designed to put a spotlight on the amazing diversity we have here at Fort Hunt,” said Karin Kulinski, who co-chaired the evening with Amanda Socci. About 12 volunteers helped with the planning. “We have over 70 different countries or cultural heritages represented. A lot of times the families of different countries end up left out of family events. This one is the opposite. This one puts a spotlight on those families and every other family.”

Kulinski said 48 families donated international dishes from their native countries — from Mexican Mole to Turkish Baklava. And professional dance troupes from Bolivia, China and Peru entertained the crowd. A deejay played international songs from Australia, the UK, and even Norway. Another highlight was the 17 Country Tables that lined the decorated hallway. “We offered families the chance to have a table to display their artifacts from their culture,” she said. “So, every aspect of this is international because that reflects us.”